Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pepper Relish

Let me begin this by saying that canning is not for the faint of heart. Last summer Lauren and I got it in our heads that we wanted to learn how to can Nannie's pepper relish. We knew that we better learn how to do it from the source or else it would be a lost family recipe. Thank God we had Nannie and Papa helping us our first time or else we might have given up half way through.
Our first mistake was way over guessing how many peppers it would take to double the recipe. We ended up not only doubling the recipe, but doubling the recipe three times over. That means we had 24 cups of chopped hot peppers, 24 cups of chopped sweet peppers, 24 cups of chopped celery, 24 cups of chopped onions. You can kind of get the point. We had quit a job on our hands!

Although it did take us 51/2 hours from start to finish. We were so glad we learned how to make Nannie's pepper relish and learned how to can. It was such a fun memory to have and we now have pepper relish to last us many years to come, 45 jars to be exact. Nannie was so proud of us and even cried because she was so happy to pass this recipe along.


Laura Rowe [twirl] said...

oh my gosh that's so much pepper relish!! haa

Lauren said...

Why do I have a feeling I know what my christmas gift is gonna be? :)