Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jimmy Buffet and Michael Buble??

What do Jimmy Buffet and Michael Buble have in common? Not much... except for the fact that I went to both concerts in one week. After our week of vacation, Gabe came back home from work and I stayed to go to the Michael Buble concert with Lauren and Cindy that following Tuesday night. That weekend before Cindy got a call from someone who had four extra tickets to see Jimmy Buffet on the beach that Sunday night. The only problem was what to do with Owen (Addie Kate could stay with Gabe's youngest sister Olivia, but I didn't have any bottles for Owen). So, I did what any responsible parent would do and brought him with me. Needless to say he was the only infant there. I guess I really hadn't thought through the whole 35,000 really drunk Jimmy Buffet fans in the hot sun all day. But, it was really a fun concert despite it all! Owen did great and can now say he has seen a Jimmy Buffet concert on the beach!
The Michael Buble concert was a totally different experience and I loved him! I was really surprised at how good of a concert he put on and would definitely go back to see him again. Owen did not make the this concert (he stayed at home with Gabe's dad).

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