Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Three years later...

Three years ago today I married my best friend. In those three years Gabe and I have lived a whole lotta life together!

Just to recap....
The day after we returned from our honeymoon we packed up the U-Haul and made the 13 hour drive to move to Arkansas. Three months after we got married (and moved to Arkansas) we found out we were pregnant. We both were certain this was impossible since I was on birth control... it was not. Our first anniversary was spent with me literally days away from giving birth to Addie Kate. On September 12, we welcomed our baby girl!

When Addie Kate was six months old we moved from Arkansas to Alabama for a short two month stay before moving to Georgia. In June of last year we bought our first home only to find out we were pregnant with baby number two the next month (yes, we know what causes this). Our second anniversary was spent with me having extremely bad morning sickness. In April we welcomed Owen.

This anniversary was spent (not pregnant) reflecting on how much life has changed in just three short years and how very blessed we are!

I cannot imagine living this life with anyone else but Gabe. God truly knew what he was doing when he brought us together. Although this is not how we would have planned our life, we wouldn't change it either! It has been such a fun adventure and I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us.