Monday, September 20, 2010

Addie Kate's Birthday Part I

Last weekend Addie Kate turned two! It is so hard to believe that my baby girl is growing up so fast. It really doesn't seem possible. Last year on her birthday I was in the midst of horrible morning/all day sickness and didn't even blog about her birthday! That is sad, huh?
This year we did an ice cream party. We had her party at a local park and had an ice cream buffet. Here are some of the party details.
I got the invitations off etsy from dimpleprints (the were only $10 and I got to print as many as I needed)!

Gabe's sister, Lauren came up early for the party and helped me get everything ready (Thank God for a sister-in-law who I love and who is the best aunt ever!!) We dipped the ice-cream cones in chocolate and sprinkles and they were wonderful!

We had a little difficulty with our cupcakes so we finally decided to keep it simple with these.
We made ice cream cone cookies for the party favors. Too bad we forgot to take a picture of these until after the party (these are the left overs). These were so much fun to make and actually tasted pretty good!!