Monday, September 6, 2010

Dinner time

I never imagined that I would have a picky eater. I love all food and just assumed my kids would too. Addie Kate however, has proven me very wrong (I'm still hoping Owen is going to be my good eater and so far it looks like he's heading down that road). All of that to say we have gotten very creative in getting Addie Kate to eat her veggies. Like right now we have a dance we do whenever she eats her peas. Yup, we do a dance with every single bite. We even get Owen in on the action. If it works we will keep dancing and dancing and dancing. She loves it and we love that she is eating something green.
Tonight we grilled out and Addie Kate and Owen helped Daddy with his dinner.

She does love corn. Does that count as a vegetable?

No, Owen is not really eating a steak, but I'm sure he would love to. We haven't started him on food yet, but that is coming soon!
These babies love their Daddy... and he loves them!

1 comment:

Laura Rowe [twirl] said...

oh my gosh that picture of her eating corn with Gabe is so great. YESSSSS I want to take their pictures! Coming to Birmingham anytime soon? I'll meet in the middle anytime :)