Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ten months

Ten months has gone by so fast. I can't believe our little man is about to be a year old! He has changed so much in the last few months. He is everywhere and into everything. I don't remember Addie Kate climbing as much as he does and I think that's because she didn't.
He loves his sister and she makes him belly laugh often. He can, however, be very rough with her. He always seems to be pulling her hair and taking her dolls from her; all very innocent of course. She started off calling him 'brother', then we moved to 'owie' and when he is doing something he is not suppose to it's 'owie cox.' She does seem to think she is the boss, however, I don't think that's going to last too long with this little man.

This boy loves to eat and is not picky at all. I sometimes worry we are over feeding him because I don't know when he is full. We eventually just decide when enough is enough otherwise he would eat and eat!

Addie Kate is always trying to pick Owen up or have him sit in her lap. She hasn't realized that he is almost as big as she is!
Waving to us after climbing in his chair. He has tried climbing from his chair onto his dresser... oh what fun!

1 comment:

Laura Rowe [twirl] said...

they are too precious. I love "owie cox". do you have a name for the new baby boy yet?