Monday, June 15, 2009

Great and great-great grandparents

A few weeks ago we went to visit Gabe's grandparents at "the farm." While we were there we took Addie Kate to see her great-great grandmother.  That is five generations!  How crazy is that?  Here are some pictures of her with her great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers, and her great-great grandmother (all on Gabe's side).  They could sit around and watch her for hours and she loves all the attention!

Stand up to be tall...

This has been a big month of change for Addie Kate, honestly it seems like she is learning something new everyday! 
  • She is officially crawling (for a few weeks now) and officially pulling up on everything.  She is quick and it makes me really nervous sometimes.  She has already had a few falls which means bruises. Her poor head!    
  • She is still waving and blowing kisses at everyone, including strangers.  She does not have a shy bone in her body.  Every morning when I get her out of her bed she is sitting up waving.  She is such a happy baby!    
  • She loves to clap.  Anytime we start singing "patty cake" or say "Yea for Addie Kate" she claps and claps.    
  • He first little tooth has finally come through and she is working on tooth number two. (I was starting to worry that they might never come).  
  • Her favorite toys are no longer her toys.  She loves to get into everything, especially if it something she is not supposed to.  My make-up bag seems to be her favorite right now.  She is so fascinated with pulling everything out it.  Oh what fun!